It’s time to make your voice heard for the PRO Act! We hit the streets when Roe was overturned, now it’s time for those in power to hear the demands of the people & codify abortion protections in law!
Use the script below to call or email your state representative today!
Use this link to search for your representative and information on how to contact them!
“Hello my name is ____ and I am a Minnesota resident calling/emailing to urge that you vote in support of the Protect Reproductive Options Act. Reproductive rights are under attack all over the country, and we demand that our legislators stand up for what they claim to believe in. We cannot just hope that the case laws of Doe v. Gomez and Doe v Minnesota alone will promise us our reproductive rights forever. We need to strengthen our right to abortion by codifying it into Minnesota law. In working to reinforce reproductive rights in our state, I also urge you to cease funding so-called Crisis Pregnancy Centers, fake clinics with a main goal of persuading clients not to have abortions rather than offering comprehensive healthcare, and instead put those funds into making abortion services truly accessible in our state! Pass the Pro Act!“
#proact #abortionrights #abortionishealthcare #womensrights #reproductiverights #minnesota